Cloned duck hepatitis B virus DNA is infectious in Pekin ducks.


Approximately 10% of German-bred Pekin ducks were found to be chronically infected with duck hepatitis B virus (DHBV). The genomes of three German DHBV isolates analyzed were closely related but showed substantial restriction site polymorphism compared with U.S. isolates. We tested the infectivity of three sequence variants of cloned DHBV DNA by injecting them into the liver of virus-free ducklings. Most of these animals injected with double-stranded closed-circular or plasmid-integrated dimer DHBV DNA developed viremia, demonstrating the infectivity of all three cloned DHBV DNA variants. The cloned viruses produced were indistinguishable from those from naturally infected animals, implying that our experimental approach can be used to perform a functional analysis of the DHBV genome.

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