Closure of the urinary bladder with stainless steel and absorbable staples.


Stapling is widely accepted in the field of pulmonary and gastrointestinal surgery. However, this has not been the case in urinary tract surgery, presumably because of the possibility of stone formation on the staples. In addressing the issue, both stainless steel staples and absorbable staples (PolysorbTM) were evaluated in 104 linear stapled closures of dog bladders. The mucosa to mucosa closures were performed in bladders with sterile, acutely infected, and chronically infected urine. Staple lines were resected and examined both grossly and microscopically at periods from 1 week to 4 months after the closures. No animal suffered a clinical leak or abscess formation. Four steel closures developed exposed staples, one of which developed a small amount of crystal formation. Twenty-nine absorbable closures contained exposed staples in which two closures developed crystal formation. All closures were secure and healed without difficulty. It appears that closure of the bladder with stainless or absorbable staples is safe and effective.

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