Como sobrevivem as diferentes noções de álgebra linear nos cursos de engenharia elétrica e nas instituições




This research included in the current project called In Search of propitious situations for learning basic concepts of Linear Algebra of Group s Studies of Education Algebraic (GPEA) of the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP), proposes find elements that meet issues inherent in this research: Why and how should be tauch the discipline Linear Algebra in a graduate of Electrical Engineering? The choice of this subject is justified by the importance of Linear Algebra in the disciplines that make up a course in Electrical Engineering and the latent need of a change of focus given by teachers who teach the discipline. Therefore, we want to bring elements that justify the reformulation of the course that work with mathematical subjects such as Linear Algebra with graduations in this profile. The results were obtained through bibliographic searches, official documents applying for the courses of Electrical Engineering, interviews with teachers of graduation and applied exercises cited in the interviews. For its analysis, we sought in Anthropological Theory of the Didactic of Chevallard (1999), articulate the various concepts which are exposed in the triad object-person-institution. Among the results, we see that the learning of concepts of Linear Algebra as Matrix, Linear Systems and Linear Transformation is geared to existing relationships with others disciplines such as Electrical Circuits, Signal Processing, Electromagnetic Theory, among others. It also could identify the search for the formation of the conceptual and general engineer for that prime mathematical tied to search. We thus getting information to reply to our original question: Why does the Linear Algebra should be tauch in a graduate of Electrical Engineering? But how education could be directed? After the analysis of the gotten information, we perceive that the anticipation of certain content of the graduation could be worked through examples offered in current books of Linear Algebra. Another suggestion, pointing in the speech of teachers, refers to the integrated projects that address the interdisciplinary inherent in this course


algebra linear -- estudo e ensino engenharia eletrica -- estudo e ensino interdisciplinary anthropological theory of didactic matematica interdisciplinaridade teoria antropológica do didático linear algebra electrical engineering

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