Competitividade e preços do complexo soja no Brasil




This work presents a view of one most important Brazilian agribusiness complexes, the Soybean Agribusiness Complex, with aspects of its constitution, its competitiveness in the external market and its prices. As for the external market, point out the impulse that the in natura Soybean segment presented after the Kandir Law, making a movement of substitution between the segments of the complex. About the prices observed to each one of the segments of complex, such as in others works, realize here the position of Brazil as a prices taker, despite of its important position as producer and exporter for the Soybean and its derivates. Being this way, the econometrics procedures indicated that the international prices from Chicago affect considerably the internal prices, while the changing in the domestic prices does not cause impact in the international ones, here represented by Chicago.


complexo agroindustrial de soja preços nacionais soja - indústria - brasil preços agrícolas - brasil international prices agroindústria - brasil soybean agribusiness complex preços internacionais national prices competitividade economia concorrência - brasil competitiveness

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