Componentes CORBA / CORBA Components




This thesis presents the CORBA Component Model, which is part of the CORBA 3.0 specification. The model is one of the most significant additions with respect to previous versions of CORBA. The development of distributed systems is a complex task, involving factors such as the organization of sets of objects that must be deployed and executed in separate servers. Here, these sets are called components, a concept that already exists in other specifications, such as Enterprise Java Beans. Even though it contains examples, the CORBA Components specification text is not an easy reading for systems developers. Our text intends to facilitate the task of understanding and using CORBA Components, trying to be didactic and illustrative enough so that different profiles of readers are able to understand the many concepts presented, either as an overview, or still as an aid in components development.


ccm componentes corba corba components ccm

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