Composição bromatológica da fitomassa produzida em monocultivos e consórcios de sorgo, milheto e guandu-anão / Bromatological composition of different court times in the single and consortium cultivation of sorghum, millet plant and midget-guandu




The purpose of this work was to evaluate the bromatological composition in different court times, for nutritional evaluation, enter cultivates of sorghum, millet plant and midget-guandu in single and consortium plantation. The analyses were made in the bromatological laboratory of UNOESTE, the productivity of dry mass and of the dry matter text were evaluated. For nutritional evaluation were made the analyses of ashes, gross fiber, ethereal extract, gross protein, nutritious digestive total, extractive without oxygen. The experimental delineating used was in complete casual blocks, with four repetitions, with portions subdivided in 18 treatments: single sorghum, single midget-guandu, single millet plant, sorghum and midget-guandu consortium, millet plant and midget-guandu consortium and millet plant and sorghum consortium, with court times in the apprenticeship of 30, 60 and 90 days after the plantation. The millet plant was the specie that presented the largest production of dry mass to the 30 and 60 days, in the single cultivation and in the consortia. The single sorghum or in the consortium with the midget-guandu presented the largest production of dry mass to the 90 days. The millet plant and the midget-guandu presented the largest texts of gross protein to the 30 days. The midget-guandu presented low production of dry mass to the 30 days, but it was responsible for the increment of gross protein in the consortia with sorghum and millet plant to the 60 and 90 days


fitomassa agronomia consortium of cultures nutritional evaluation productivity composição bromatológica consorciação de culturas

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