Composicion corporal y prevalencia estandarizada de desnutricion en niños de 6 a 12 años de edad, La Costa, Argentina


Revista Brasileira de Saúde Materno Infantil




OBJECTIVES: to evaluate body composition and to calculate the standardized prevalence of undernutrition among children from six to 12 years old from La Costa, Argentina. METHODS: height, upper arm circumference, triceps skinfold and the following anthropometric dimensions were calculated: upper arm muscle circumference, upper fat area (FA) upper arm muscle area, upper arm muscle area by height (UAMAE), energy/protein index and upper arm fat and muscle area index (FM). The standardized prevalence of undernutrition (SP) was determined. Additionally, three social factors were considered. Statistical analysis included multiple factorial ANOVA, Pearson's and Spearman's correlation analysis. RESULTS: sexual dimorphism was showed only for FA. A correlation was determined between large families and low anthropometric measurements. Abnormality SP indicated differences between the standard and the studied population. Muscle tissue was more biased than fatty ones, although UAMAE kept close to the median. CONCLUSIONS: family size changed global growth patterns of the population and indicators including fatty tissue were the most affected ones. PE reflected more bias than protein reserve indicators AM, PMB than the ones pertaining to energy reserves: PCT, AG.

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