Composition and structure of metazoan parasites communities of Acará Geophagus brasiliensis (Quoy e Gaimard, 1824) and of Apaiarí Astronotus ocellatus (Cope, 1872) from River Guandu, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil / Composição e Estrutura das Comunidades Parasitárias do Acará Geophagus brasiliensis (Quoy e Gaimard, 1824) e do Apaiarí Astronotus ocellatus (Cope, 1872) do Rio Guandu, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil




Between December 2004 to November 2005, were collected 50 specimens of Geophagus brasiliensis (Quoy e Gaimard, 1824) and 35 specimens of Astronotus ocellatus (Cope, 1872) from the River Guandu, near to the Station of Treatment of water (ETA) (2248 32"S, 4337 35"W), State of Rio de Janeiro, for the study of their communities of metazoan parasites. In G. brasiliensis, nine species of metazoan parasites were collected: 3 digeneans, 1 nematode, 2 hirudineans, 2 acantocephalans and 1 gloquidian. Most of parasite specimens collected were digeneans (95.9 %), being Posthodiplostomum macrocotyle Dubois, 1937 (metacercariae) founded in the eyes the more prevalent species (88.0%) and with highest mean intensity value (12.4), followed for the metacercariae of Austrodiplostomum compactum (Lutz, 1928) (metacercariae) and the hirudinean of family Glossiphoniidae showed prevalence of 14.0% and 10.0% respectively. In A. ocellatus, six species of metazoan parasites were collected: 1 monogenean, 1 nematode, 1 hirudinean, 1 acantocephalan, 1 crustacean, and 1 gloquidian. Most of parasite specimens collected were monogenetic (91.9 %), being Gussevia sp. founded in the gills the more prevalent species (71.4%) and with highest mean intensity value (17.6), followed for the acanthochepalan Polymorphus sp. showed prevalence of 17.1%. The parasite species of G. brasiliensis and A. ocellatus showed the typical aggregated pattern of distribution.


gussevia sp. posthodiplostomum macrocotyle peixes dulcícolas freshwater fish parasitologia posthodiplostomum macrocotyle gussevia sp

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