Composition in class piano : uma experiment with undergraduate music education studants / A composição na aula de piano em grupo : uma experiencia com alunas do curso de licenciatura em artes/musica




This academic work intend to demonstrate the possibility of including the activity of composing together with odier activities in the piano class. It aims to show the implications that the composing activity brings to the music learning using the piano as the main musical. means of musicship. It show the results of a practical experiment done with piano students from the BA course in Artes/Music at UNASP, where composing teaching/learning is emphasized in group piano class. In the experiment, the didactic material uses was the series "Musical Através do Teclado" -EMAT (Musical Education Through the Keyboard) by Maria de Lourdes Junqueira Gonçalves, which aims the piano teaching in groups (EPG). The results and the musical production indicated that the composition activity produced a better musical comprehension development contributing as a supportjbasis to the future professional performance of the students involved in the experimento


art educação musical composição (musica) piano piano licenciatura composition (music) musical education class piano licenciatura - arte

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