Concentrações plasmaticas e salivares e efeito sobre a microbiota oral de duas formulações de amoxicilina : estudo em voluntarios sadios




The plasmatic and salivary concentration of amoxicillin(AMO)875mg and its effects on oral microbiota in healthy volunteers were assessed in an open, randomized, two-period crossover designo A single 875 mg oral dose of AMO (Amoxicillin-EMS- test formulation and Amoxil@- reference formulation) was administered to ali volunteers observing 1-week intervaI between doses. Blood and saliva samples were collected from pre-dose to 12 h. The concentrations of AMO, in plasma and saliva, were quantified by LC-ESI-MSand LCmethod, respectively. AUC was calculated by the trapezoidal rule extrapolation method. Cmaxand Tmax were compiled from the plasmatic concentration-time data. Streptococci, anaerobe, and total microorganisms counts were obtained in different culture conditions. The mean values (:1:SD) for AUCO-12(lh1g.h.mL-1),AUCO-í(nlf1g.h.mL-1),Cmax(l1g.mL-1) and Tmax(h), were respectively: 55.42(:1:16.85), 55.42 (:I:16.85), 18.59 (:I:6.3), 2.04{:I:0.75) concerning the test formulation and 51.11 (:I:18.9), 51.29 (:I:1,9.12), 17.83 (:I:5.86), 2.02 (:1:0.87) concerning the reference formulation. Confidence intervals (90%) of amoxicillinmeans of AUCO-12ahnd Cmaxratios (testjreference) were: 0.961 - 1.149 and 0.914 - 1.142, respectively. No statistically significant differences were observed between the two formulations (t test, p>0.05) regarding AMOplasmatic and saliva concentrations. Saliva microorganisms counts did not show statistical differences (ANOVArepeated measures, p>0.05) between the two groups during each sampling time. Starting at 60 min, a statistically significant decrease (ANOYArepeated measures, p<0.05) was also observed for all microorganisms. Both formulations were bioequivalent based on both the rate and extent of absorption, and were effective in reduce microorganisms until 12 hours


farmacocinetica saliva pharmacokinetics equivalencia terapeutica terapeutic equivalence saliva medicamentos - biodisponibilidade antibioticos beta-lactamicos lactam antibiotics drugs - biovailability

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