CONDIÃÃES CULTURAIS, ANATOMIA FOLIAR, PROCESSAMENTO E ARMAZENAMENTO DE Ocimum selloi EM RELAÃÃO AO ÃLEO ESSENCIAL / Cultural conditions, leaf anatomy, processing and storage of Ocimum selloi associated to essential oil




Ocimum selloi Benth. popularly known as elixir-paregÃrico, alfavaquinha and atroveran is a brazilian medicinal plant, found in wild and cultivated form in domestic yards. It is little commercially explored but it represents a potential source of essential oil. Researches with medicinal plant domestication are scarce, being necessary more studies of the adaptation from these plants to crop conditions, mainly because the increase demands of the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of different aspects on the growth, essential oil production and the post harvest conservation of O. selloi. The species can be propagated by seeds or shoot cuttings. Its seeds are small, positive photoblastic and are viable for up to 12 months of storage in room temperature or cold chamber. The vegetative propagation is recommended with 20 cm length cuttings using any substrate types tested (washed sand, carbonized rice hulls and commercial substrate PlantmaxÂ). Pruning of the O. selloi inflorescences did not interfere in plant height, but increases the dry weight of stems and leaves, influencing directly the essential oil yield. The presence of yellow leaves with spots in adult plants had been the symptoms that had taken to the first report of O. selloi as a host of Pseudocercospora ocimicola. About the use of organic fertilization, it was observed a positive influence of cattle and chicken manure doses on plant height characteristics, leaf anatomy and essential oil yield and composition. Alterations in plant growth and anatomy were observed with the intensity and quality light. The post harvest was verified that the fragmentation type (whole and powdered leaves) and storage time interfere in the essential oil yield and composition of O. selloi. The essential oil showed fungi toxic activity been more efficiency on Crinipellis perniciosa consisting a potential biological source to control witchesâ broom cocoa disease.


ocimum selloi,medicinal plant,essential oil. fitotecnia atroveran,planta medicinal,Ãleo essencial

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