Conflitos em avaliação de aprendizagem




Evaluation has been characterized as a conflicting process that interferes in the interpersonal relationships established in the academic context, as well as in the subjects relationships to knowledge, where the concern with teaching/learning turns out to be replaced by a more pragmatical type of concern: approval or reproof. The Postsecondary Education, due to its reflexive nature, contributes for these conflicts to manifest, although, their emerging contradictions are seldom explored. In this sense, comprehending the conflicts faced by teachers and students of a Pedagogy Course, regarding the performance evaluation, is the central objective of this work. Through written reports, interviews and monitoring pedagogic practices in the space of a classroom, throughout a school semester, in the year of 1995, we tried to seize the indexes of the performance evaluation experiences and, inside these indexes, the determinative factors for the configuration of the conflicts. The indexes - former learning experiences, level of the relationship teacher-student, evaluation systematics adopted and pedagogic work organization -, previously selected and taken as reference for the data analysis, did not throw into shade our perception of the indexes that, naturally, arose with the research - and that are related to or contain them. This research allowed us to conclude that the evaluation itself is not generator of conflicts. The conflicts originate from the way and purpose with which the evaluation is carried out, which, often, occurs in an authoritarian and exclusing perspective. The students take, more directly, the consequences of an evaluation process of this nature, which foremost purpose is classification; they come into conflict, firstly, with the teacher, who has the power to evaluate them and, that, not always does this in transparent and democratic way, secondly, with the evaluation system itself, that insists on perpetuating the merely classifying sense of the evaluation, to the detriment of a real cognitive development, and yet, with the work methodology adopted by the teacher, characterized by the distancing from the subject that knows, from the object of knowledge. Finally, the student comes into conflict with himself, thinking of the capacities and possibilities that he has, or not, to face with success a selective scholarship process, as it is considered crucial for his social and professional life and, in this process, they get divided between the desire, the need for learning significant content and the major need for getting school performance results which assure them the approval in the course.Teachers, also, face conflicts related to evaluation. And these conflicts basically consist of: how to overcome an established way of teaching and evaluation, which basic function is the selection of individuais, in a narrow correspondence to the social relationships of production and of groups, typical of the capitalist society; how to transform the pedagogic work organization, in order to overcome the fragmentation and isolation of the teaching staff actions; how to include the student in the learning process, so that he, too, can also take responsibility for his academical-prefessional formation. The conflicts with themselves are related to the challenge of keeping a coherence between the learning objectives defined as priorities, according to the individually defended educational project - and his professor action. The conflicts in performance evaluation must be analysed in the scope of the power relationships - present in the academical quotidian -, which modulate, formal and concretely, the pedagogical work organization. And this means that the changes in the performance evaluation area are indissociably linked to changes in the teaching-learning process as a whole. This is why, the evaluation is a component of the pedagogical work organization itself that, at the same time that is modulated by it, has the power to direct it. Therefore, confronting the conflicts in evaluation recalls rethinking not only the teacher-student relationship but, fundamentally, the relationship of both with scholarship knowledge that, from "abstract" work must turn into "concrete" work, mediated by the socially-productive work - essential element for establishing the theoretical-practical relationship


escolas - organização e administração aprendizagem professores e alunos ensino superior avaliação educacional

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