Conservação pós-colheita de melão charentais tratado com 1-mcp e armazenado sob refrigeração e atmosfera modificada / Postharvest conservation of charentais type melons treated with 1-mcp and stored under refrigeration and modified atmosphere




Aiming to evaluate the postharvest shelf life of Charentais type melon (Cucumis melo L.) under refrigeration, submitted to the postharvest application 1MCP, associated or not to the modified atmosphere (AM), two experiments were carried out at the Laboratory of Physiology and Postharvest Tecnology of Embrapa Agroindústria Tropical in Fortaleza-CE, Brazil, studying chemical and physics quality characteristics. The fruits were originated from the Agroindústria Nolem Comercial Importadora e Exportadora Ltda, located at MossoróAçuRN agropole, Brazil. In the first experiment the fruits were treated with 600 nLL-1 of 1-MCP, half of those fruits was wrapped in X-tend plastic films (staying fruits wrapped without application of 1-MCP in the same conditions of the others). The melons were stored by 27 days being 21 days (9 1 C and 85 5% U.R.), + 6 days (25 2 C and 70 5% U.R.), being simulated the commercialization period, and evalueted in the following times: 0, 7, 14, 21, 21+3 and 21+6 days. The use of the 1-MCP, separately, was not shown efficient in maintaining the postharvest quality of the melons. The modified atmosphere, separately, it was efficient in reducing the weight loss, to maintain better external and internal appearance and larger peel Hue angle, however not being enough to delay the yellowish of the fruits. Based on the external appearance, postharvest shelflife of the fruits stored under isolated modified atmosphere and of the treated fruits with 1-MCP and stored under modified atmosphere it was of 24 days, while of the treated fruits just with 1-MCP was 21 days under refrigeration. In the second experiment the fruits were treated with 300 and 600 nLL-1 of 1-MCP, half of those fruits was wrapped in plastic films, staying fruits wrapped without application of 1-MCP in the same conditions of storage of the others. The melons were stored by 21 days being 14 days (9 1 C and 87 5% U.R.) + 7 days (22 2 C and 70 5% U.R.). In function of the external appearance, postharvest shelflife of the fruits stored under modified atmosphere, with or without initial treatment of 1-MCP it was 21 days, while of the treated fruits initially just with 1-MCP, it was 19 days. The application of the 1-MCP provided reduction in the breathing activity and ethylen production, and larger flesh firmness retention, smaller weight loss and better external appearance when associated the modified atmosphere. The modified atmosphere, separately, it was efficient to reduce the weight loss and to maintain better external appearance.


1-methylcyclopropene melão fitotecnia cucumis melo cucumis melo shelf life vida útil melon atmosfera modoficada modified atmosphere 1-metilciclopropeno

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