Considerações sobre a obra Nigorie (Enseada de águas turvas) e sua autora Higuchi Ichiyô (1872-1896) / Considerations about the work Nigorie (Troubled Creek) and the writer Higuchi Ichiyô (1872-1896)




This dissertation intends to investigate how the condition of life of writer Higuchi Ichiyô starts to modify her literary thought leading her to the creation of the universe of her work Nigorie (Troubled Creek) attempting to reveal her social ideals. From her talented vision on the social conditions of the country, Ichiyô was the first writer of her time to express in such a direct way the sadness of the women abandoned by an inhuman society. Considering the importance of the personal experience of Ichiyô a study upon her life becomes necessary to understand the trajectory the author went through as far as her work inherently. Ichiyô used to live in the outskirts of the prostitution quarters, keeping in touch with the world of prostitutes. These experiences turned into subsidies for her literary creation. Nigorie describes the limited and unhappy life of socially degraded women who work in a quarter of clandestine prostitution as well as the men who frequent it. It is felt in Nigorie a hidden desire of Ichiyô in denouncing this sad reality to the world, and besides, her intention to protest against the poverty and the Japanese social system of her time.


crítica à pobreza e à desigualdade social prostituição higuchi ichiyô nigorie (troubled creek) criticism to the poverty and the social inequality literature of the meiji age (1868-1912) higuchi ichiyô nigorie (enseada de águas turvas) prostitution literatura da era meiji (1868-1912)

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