Consolidação do processo de informatização em Sistemas de Bibliotecas Universitárias na África do Sul, Brasil e Moçambique




The thesis, based on a comparative study of university libraries in developing countries (Brazil, South Africa, and Mozambique) discusses the computerization process of these libraries, and by using an integrated approach includes, besides the technological aspects, those aspects related with process management, work organization and workers qualification, all of which are treated as equally relevant. . In general terms, the present study shows evidences of structural restrictions in the computerization process, due to the historical, political, economic and educational contexts of the societies that adopts it. In the case of university libraries, further restrictions spring from their standard practice in managing finances, personnel and materials, in addition to the limitations caused by their organization of the work process. The study also shows an evident disconnection between the potential benefits associated with these technologies and the actual benefits deriving from their use in this group of libraries. Among the real benefits are: economy of time, increased productivity and promptness (when there is any) in meeting the users needs. Nevertheless, the study reveals that these gains occur in parallel with work degradation (intensified, oversimplified work), and at considerable cost to the users effective access to information and to relevant documents. It becomes clear that this technological adoption is a process bound up with the internal structures and dynamics of the institution and that each phase must be followed by the qualification and adequate improvement of administrative mechanisms. Otherwise, technological hypertrophy will eventually lead to involution of the information unit as a whole and, in spite of having the highest technology at their disposal, libraries will have their axiological dimension impaired.


bibliotecasautomação teses ciência da informação teses

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