Consórcio de milho com adubos verdes e manejo da adubação nitrogenada no cultivo de feijão em sucessão no sistema integração lavoura-pecuária no cerrado / Nitrogen fertilization management in bean cultivated after maize-legumes intercropping in the Crop-Livestock Integration system in Brazilian Savannah




Ten experiments were performed involving common beans and maize intercropped with legumes and/or Brachiaria brizantha, in the summer crops of 2008/2009, 2009 winter and summer of 2009/2010 in two municipalities in the Goiás (GO) state, Brazil. In Ipameri- GO, the area was planted with soybeans for several years and corn associated with B. brizantha in crop preceding the experiments. In Santo Antônio de Goiás-GO, the area is maintained with corn or soybean rotation with B. brizantha, in a three-year scheme. The main objectives of these studies were to evaluate the feasibility of intercropping maize with legumes and the response of common bean after it, in no-tillage system, on the mulching straws provided by the cultivation of maize intercropped with forage legumes and grasses and to study the management of nitrogen (N) in these two crops. It was found that in soils with medium to high chemical fertility, such as those used in the experiments, the intercropping of corn and B. brizantha or pigeonpea (Canajus cajan) and sunn hemp (Crotalaria spectabilis) had any influence on grain yield of maize in the presence of mineral N, except in the experiment conducted in Santo Antonio de Goiás-GO, where the sunn hemp significantly reduced corn productivity. Also, in both locations, simultaneous or lagged consortium of pigeonpea or sunn hemp with maize, there was no release of N from legumes to maize, as measured by grain productivity, during the cycle of the species. However, in the consortia in which B. brizantha is maintained without drying between the maize lines, called partial desiccation, there was a significant decrease in the yield of corn in relation to the totally desiccated area. The growth analysis showed higher leaf area index (LAI) and total dry matter accumulation (TDM) for pigeonpea grown in single system, but for sunn hemp cultivated in the corn rows, both LAI and TDM approached to its single cropping, confirming its competitiveness with corn in the intercropping system. Growth curves also showed the superiority of the corn crop with 90 kg N ha-1 in both LAI and TDM, compared to intercropping with legumes. In the case of Santo Antônio de Goiás-GO the three-year rotation involving grain species and grass forages caused an intake of N in the soil, and high yields of beans grown in rotation with pasture were obtained, without the application of mineral N, occurring, though, significant increase in grain yield in the treatments of straws containing legumes. The application of mineral N immediately before sowing or at the seedling stage of beans and corn had a similar effect on their productivity compared to traditional application, a few weeks after the emergence of these species. The application of mineral N was more efficient in increasing the productivity of beans when applied on the soil surface near the plants rows and in cases where the fertilizer was mechanically incorporated into the soil, comparing to surface-broadcasting.


green manure straw. consorciação de culturas feijão milho intercropping common bean adubação nitrogen pigeon pea corn sunn hemp adubo verde brachiaria fertilization nitrogênio brachiaria mulching crotalária guandu palhada. cobertura do solo

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