CONSTRUÇÃO DE FERRAMENTA AVALIATIVA FUNDAMENTADA NAS POLÍTICAS PÚBLICAS PARA IDOSOS: CONTRIBUIÇÕES PARA O ENFERMEIRO NA PREVENÇÃO DE QUEDAS. / Construction of an evaluative tool based upon the public policies for Aged: contributions to the nurse in the prevention of falls.




The current research project originally come from Universal Notice 2008, aimed at: building an evaluating tool based upon the public policies related to aged residents in Homes for the Aged (HA), considering the maintenance of the functioning and prevention of falls; evaluating the integration of public policies for the aged in a HA in Rio Grande/RS/Brazil, proposing actions aimed at maintaining the functioning and prevention of falls. This is an evaluating research, inserted in the type of case studing, which aims to produce an information that can contribute in the improvement of the studied object, being applied by an assessor internal / external. It was held in a HA in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, and approved by the Ethics and Research Committee in the Health Area of the Federal University of Rio Grande - FURG. The built evaluating tool was developed, test and applied in the data collecting. In this application, the masters degree student functioned as a external assessor and the nurse of the HA as internal assessor. In this study, some laws was analyzed: Decree, the National Policy for Aged, the State Policy for Aged, RDC ANVISA 283/2005 and COREN-RS decisions 099/2005 and 006/2009. In the data analysis, the results was described and compared with the expected, according to the law orders. The results took in consideration: the characteristics of the HA examined, its physical infrastructure, the nursing care dispended to the Aged who live in the Institution. In the characterization, the HA was identified by its time of functioning, legal nature, number of Aged and other elements. In the organizational aspects its was verified issues related to the technical responsibility, legal compliance, staff qualifications to care of aged, service politeness, existence and updating of the documents required to operate the Homes for Aged, among others. Related to the physical infrastructure, it was observed aspects linked to the environment/situation, mainly: the floor, the bedrooms, the bathrooms, the existence of signalizing and handrails on stairs and ramps, and other elements. In the care provided to aged, especially by nurses, it was examine issues related to the functioning maintenance and prevention of falls in aged. As research contributions, besides the built tool, it was identified acts that aims at contribute to the functioning maintenance and preventions of falls, that will be proposed to the HA. It is expected this evaluating tool and the acting proposals could be able to established a higher interconnection between the service (HA) and de Academy (University), so that other groups of strategy actions are coordinated and aimed at improving the nursing care to the institutionalized aged.


enfermagem instituição de longa permanência para idosos políticas públicas accidental falls public policies nursing homes for aged acidentes por quedas enfermagem

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