Construindo caminhos educativos para interpretação do ambiente pantaneiro




The present thesis of Doctoral study is the resulted of research under the Post Graduation Programme of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar) titling Constructing Educative Ways for Interpretation of the Pantanals Environment. It reflects the research carried out about a pedagogical filter of the environmental education, with images of the Pantanals ecology to interpret natural and cultural dimensions in two communities: Mimoso, São Pedro de Joselândia and other places located in the municipalities of Santo Antonio of the Leverger, Poconé and Barão de Melgaço, in Mato Grosso Sate, where we face many sort of environmental impacts and problems to protect the large wetland, in its broad meaning of nature and society. The presented results represent an effort of Environmental Education Group Researcher (GPEA) of Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT), which is built by many researchers from multidisciplinary approaches for understanding the ecological and cultural diversities of these two communities. The results reveal the fragile meaning of sustainable development, since we realised it is far from its implementation, especially that related to education dimension which claims for sustainable societies. The studies reflect new images ways (photos), considering the aesthetic sensitivity as an important tool to promote a responsible and ethical look for the environment. The images discourse of the investigated groups discloses lack of critical awareness in relation to the linked dimensions between human being, society and nature. In a similar way, it is observed that aesthetic of the images discourse is suffering by lack of care in terms of ethical; poetical; management or policy to built the concept of development and its sustainability. The research was conducted by environmental education principles, considering the ethno knowledge of Pantanals communities, for interpreting and perceiving the ecological space and social dimension of the wetland of their habitants


ecology ecologia sociedade sustentável sustainable societies ecologia environmental education educação ambiental

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