Consultas em seis centros de controle de intoxicações do Brasil : analise dos casos, hospitalizações e obitos




In the last years, the increasement in the availability and chemical substances use has brought potential risks to human hea1th. In the world there are used approximately 100,000 chemical substances in the composition of about a million commercial products. In general, people are exposed to small doses by daily use, environmental and food contamination or, some instances, massive or even fatal exposure through a single accidental or intentional poisoning or chemical disaster. In Brazil, as in other countries, the magnitude of the poisoning problem is not known and it constitutes a challenge for the responsible ones of the toxicovigilance. A data base was created ftom the standardized records of Belo Horizonte (MG), Campinas (SP), Florianopólis (SC), Londrina (PR), Maringá (PR), and Ribeirão Preto (SP) university hospitals Poison Control Centers (PCCs), in the period of 1994-1997. Poisoning-related cases, hospitalizations and deaths involving pharmaceuticals, poisonous animals, pesticides, household products, industrial products, drugs, plants or mushrooms were studied. Df the 75,717 consultations carried out, 64,453 cases, 10,862 hospitalizations and 367 deaths were studied. The municipal poisoning cases rate is 161.4 per 100 000 population, the greater was registered in Maringá, with 426.1. The hospitalizations rate is 22.2 per 100,000, Ribeirão Preto standing out with 36,7. The mortality rate is 4.7 per million, Rio do Sul (SC) standing out with 31.4. In cases and hospitalizations, children less than 5 years of age (mainly boys oftwo, one and three years) are the most affected, followed by the groups of 15-19 and 20-24 year of age. Among deaths the groups most ftequent are, in ascending order, 25-29, 30-34 and 20-24 years of age, with male predominance. Poisonous animals, pharmaceuticals and pesticides ~e the most ftequent toxicants among cases; pharmaceuticals, pesticides and poisonous animals among hospitalizations. Pesticides accounted for 52.3% of alI fatalities, pharmaceuticals for 20.0% and poisonous animals for 9.1%. The fatality rate is 0.57% and pesticides showed the highest rate with 2.27%. The standardized data of PCCs shows that poisoning and envenomations are a public health problem, and it can provide an important contribution to the understanding of its epidemiological profile resulting in the development of research, prevention and training programs for lay public and health professional


toxicologia envenenamento intoxicação epidemiologia

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