Conteudos abertos na educação : motivações e visão de autoria




The application of the the open content philosophy in the educational field and the social sharing to the creation of contents of educational interest by teachers in Internet is here being proposed. Cultural goods, like the contents of educational interest, are suitable to be produced by social-sharing processes. Open contents are creative works published under licenses of use with a greater flexibility than the ones of the copyright consolidated in national and international laws. More flexible licenses are already being used in Brazil. The social sharing consists of a collective production of goods based on individual creative capacities and internal motivation and it is boosted by information and communication technologies. As the production of contents of educational interest is one of the activities in teaching, teachers of public schools of the Metropolitan Region of Campinas performing their duties at preschool and fundamental education level were exposed to the possibility of publishing and sharing of contents on the Internet. The opinions of those teachers were gathered via a questionnaire followed by interviews and the results demonstrated that a production of contents of educational interest exists despite their limited qualification in such matters. The individual and collective production and the sharing of contents have its origin in social motivation and the adapting of used contents that have been produced by others are current practices as well. The teachers, however, do not see themselves as authors and they use the Internet solely to search for information. More flexible licenses of use satisfy the sharing formal demands of teachers. The recording of creations is, nevertheless, not yet a wide-spread practice among them. Enabling conditions for the application of the philosophy of open contents and social sharing to the production of contents of educational interest have been identified amidst teachers. Yet it is necessary to encourage some specific initiatives in order to make the proposal presented here become effective


teaching materials internet in education material didatico bem comum cooperation cooperação internet na educação teachers commom good

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