Contingência e contigüidade no responder de ratos submetidos a esquemas de razão e intervalo variáveis / Contingencies and contiguity imposition on response by exposing rats to variable interval and variable ratio schedule




The present study comprises two experiments (experiment 1 and experiment 2) that applied delayed reinforcement [non-resentting] procedure [schedule in which the second component operates on a fixed time condition (FT)]. The main purpose was to manipulate experimentally contingencies and contiguity relations by using different reinforcement schedules (response dependent schedule, response dependent schedule with delayed reinforcement and response independent schedule). The experiments investigated the effects of delayed reinforcement imposition on the lever press response rate and distribution of frequency on time, by exposing rats to variable interval (VI) and variable ratio schedule (VR). Experiment 1 compared effects of 5 s delays imposition with response independent water presentation. Experiment 1 showed that VR schedule engendered, in baseline condition (contingency and contiguity condition), higher response rates than did VI schedule. Delayed reinforcement (contingency and reduced contiguity condition) produced lower response rates, in both groups, than that of baseline condition. The lowest rates were observed in VI group. During VT condition (no contingency, but with contiguity), the rate decrease was accentuated. The different effects of delay under VI and VR schedules were showed in detail by the distribution of response frequency on time so that the effective delay values could be identified (the interval between reinforcement presentation and the last emitted response). In VI group, the observed delay values were in general near the programmed 5 s delay, whereas the intervals effectively observed, in VR group, were lower than the programmed 5 s delay. The schedules features can explain these results. The observed delays are more likely to be near the delay programmed value in VI than in VR schedule. Experiment 2 showed the effect of imposition of different delay values – 2, 5 and 8 s- on the response rate and frequency distribution, by exposing naïve rats to VI and VR schedules, with and without reinforcement delay. The experiment 2 revealed that the response rates decreased, in both groups, when different reinforcement delay values were presented (contingency and parametrically manipulated contiguity). The analysis of distribution of delay values frequency showed that the registered delay values were lower than the programmed 2 s delay, delay values were in general near the programmed 5 s delay and distributed over the different values in both groups (VI and VR). Different findings were, however, observed in two subjects whose delay values were near the programmed delay values. The results of both experiments, taken together, indicate that the analysis of distribution of delay values frequency reveals the different effects of delay on VI and VR schedule. These effects could not be observed when the data analysis took into account only response rate, a more usual measure employed in investigations on relationship between contingency and contiguity.


reinforcement schedules atraso de reforçamento ratos esquemas de reforço tables of contingency reinforcement delay tabelas de contingência rats

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