Contra contra o metodo : Galileu na rota da analise-e-sintese : um paralelo entre a questão da interpretação do metodo de analise-e-sintese e a questão do metodo em Galileu




This work intends to show as a first thesis, that the analysis-synthesis method of the old Greek mathematicians can be used as a conceptual model for the method of discovery and proof (resolutive and compositive) developed by Galileo in the natural sciences. The second thesis argues that the aspects involved in the problem of the interpretation of the Analysis Method are analogous to those involved in the interpretation of the method employed by Galileo. Addressing these issues, we investigate in the first part (chapters I to IV) the general meaning of the analysis method, its origins, influences and the main issues discussed in its interpretation, culminating with the approach given by Hintikka and Remes to the subject. In the second part (chapters VI to VIII), we investigate some reconstructions and interpretations of Galileo s method, culminating with the vision of Feyrabend which presents Galileo as the prototype of the methodologically anarchistic scientist. In each one of these chapters, we argue for the analysis and synthesis method as a model of the Galilean methodology. Finally, comparing the problem of the interpretation of the analysis-synthesis method with the problem of interpretation of Galileo s method, we conclude that the combined analysis-synthesis method, specially after the studies of Hintikka and Remes, is able to overcome the difficulties found. As opposed to the ideas from "Against the method", Galileo is indeed a scientist methodologically complex, but meticulous and creative in his rational approach of discovery and demonstration


ciencia - filosofia teoria do conhecimento ciencia - metodologia ciencia - historia platonismo teoria (filosofia) matematica - historia analise (filosofia) heuristica

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