Contratos de trabalho de professores e a construção da condição docente na escola pública paulista (1974-2009) / Teachers job contracts and the social construction of teachers work in the paulista s public schools (1974-2009)




This research aims to contribute to the understanding of teacher s condition in elementary school in São Paulo by the study of recruitment practices and forms of insertion of teachers in schools which make up this network of education. The study was structured in two approaches. In the first, the survey and analysis of the legislation that governed the hiring of teachers from 1974 to 2009 were carried out in a historical perspective. In the second, it was accomplished the examination of recruitment practices which are really carried out in the schools. Thereby, the available statistical data on teachers and their contracts with the Department of Human Resources at the State Department of Education were surveyed and studied. In addition, it was accomplished the observation of ethnographic inspiration, in 2009, in different stages of classes attribution in one of the Regional Boards of Education, aiming to follow in loco the processes of recruitment and insertion of temporary effective and eventual teachers. The study showed that: (i) the teachers performance in school has an intrinsic relationship with their employment situation, in other words, whether or not they have a labor contract or stability in the work, (ii) their teaching performance, when analyzed from the viewpoint of initial and ongoing formation, tend to blame the teachers for the school situation, without considering the objective conditions of the practice of their employment, and (iii) the process of obtaining the employment and the insertion in school reveal both the processes by which the objective place of teachers is developed in the education system and their social position.


desigualdade social education social inequality educação contrato de trabalho professores escolas públicas professores - condições de trabalho hiring professionals education public schools state system of higher education teacheers

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