Contribuição ao estudo das coberturas penseis




This work presents a finite element approach to static and dynamic analysis of counterstressed cable structures. Two nodes, constant strain finite elements are used to model hanging cables, plane prestressed cable trusses and 3-D prestressed cable networks. The two nodes elements are assembled with tniss, beam and frame elements to the static analysis or mixed (composite) structures. The theorem of minimum total potential energy is used to determine static equilibrium configurations of the described mixed structures. The nonlinear problem or equilibrium is solved through a self-scaling quasi-Newton algorithm. The concept of reduced length at the undeformed configuration is introduced to evaluate the effect of prestressing forces and temperature changes. The initial shape or prestressed networks is determined by constrained minimization of the total potential energy. A modified formulation of the two nodes element is used to automatically determine the reduced length of each element or the network in order to assure that all elements are in tension at the equilibrium configuration, to a given external load. A linearized dynamic equilibrium equation is used to determine natural frequencies and modes of prestressed cable nets. Dynamic equilibrium configurations are determined by minimizing the Total Energy or the network


teoria das estruturas engenharia mecanica engenharia de estruturas

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