Contribuição ao estudo dos efeitos da hemidescorticação sobre a tireoide e desenvolvimento de dentes e mandibula, erupção dental e incorporação de 3H-glicina no ligamento periodontal




Previous resul ts have shown that hemidecortication yields a retarded eruption rate of rats incisors. To study the protein metabolism of the periodontal ligament (PL) in such a condition, 12 hemidecorticated (HD) and 9 control young male rats received a single dose of 2.5 uCi of 3H glycine and were sacrificed 20 min., 1, 2 and 4 h after the injection. In another group of rats, being 7 experimental and 7 control, the influence of hemidecortication on body weight, weight of hemimandibles, incisors and thyroid glands, as well as the lenght of incisors and the serum levels of T3 an T4 was determined. Hemidecortica ted animaIs showed a lower development of body weight and organs and the incisor lenght. These data and the decrease in the T4 levels indicated that hemidecortica tion causes a discreet hypothyroidism probably by a disturbance of the hypothalamus-hypophysis axis. The silver grain concentration in the PL, as revealed by radioautography after 3H-glycine injection, was higher in hemidecorticated rats indicating an accumulation of proteins, 30% of which seems to be collagen and 70 % probably linked to glicosaminoglicans of the ground substance. This increase in protein concentration could be explained by the myxedema, one of the effects of hypothyroidism, which in turns could explain the retarded eruption rate due to the higher viscosity of the PL. The absence of a retarded eruption rate in some experiments with HD animals was interpreted as caused by stress when the animals were kept in collective cages. Such stress would induce the liberation of more glucocorticoids which are known to promote an increase in the rate of tooth eruption


autoradiografia periodontia

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