Contribution to Publicise Actions of Social Responsibility: Case Study of UNIARAXÁ. / Contribuição à divulgação de ações de responsabilidade social: estudo de caso do Uniaraxá




ABSTRACT GOMES, Válter. Contribution to Publicise Actions of Social Responsibility: Case Study of UNIARAXÁ. 2005, 204 p. (Master Degree in Accountancy and Finance) Post-Graduation Program in Accountancy and Finance at the Economics and Administration Faculty FEA of the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo PUC / SP. São Paulo. This paper aims at contributing to the advance of the analysis and discussions regarding the relevance of publishing social responsible actions by institutions. It analyses stakeholders perceptions on which social responsible actions should be carried out, mainly , by colleges and universities, as well as the way in which they should be published. Based on a deeper understanding of the subject and the analysis of the Social Result Balance of twelve different Brazilian universities, the main social responsible actions which are likely to be accomplished by such institutions, were highlighted and, a survey was developed and applied together with the stakeholders at the Centro Universitário do Planalto de Araxá. The collected data was analyzed according to different groups as follows: students, professors, administrators, management staff, suppliers, contractors, and members of the community. Gender, educational background, age and family income of the interviewees, were also taken into account. A methodology for the elaboration of the social result balance of the universities was proposed as well as a new model to be applied by these institutions. The main conclusions showed: the great importance of social responsibility of the institutions; the need of a compromise regarding the economic interests, production and transmission of knowledge with those of people who relate to such institutions; the importance that should be given to human resources; the understanding that investments made in the preservation, the protection and the recuperation of the environment make institutions more competitive; the relevance of social programs to society in general; the importance of publishing social responsible actions, through a clear, well-planed Social Result Balance which bear accessible language, relevant, consistent and coherent information and, most importantly, guaranteeing the necessary honesty to the credibility of the document.


ciencias contabeis responsabilidade social das empresas instituições de ensino superior stakeholders responsabilidade social balanço social stakeholders social result balance colleges and universities social responsibility

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