Contribution to the analysis of highways components specifications and ride quality improvement / Contribuição à análise de especificações de componentes de rodovias e melhoria de qualidade de viagens




This thesis reports and discusses information obtained from actions trying to show that the use of concepts on quality auditing and canonical correlation analysis can contribute to identify items to facilitate the classification of topics for verification on specifications conformity for the construction or the control of highways components. The level for ride quality can be analyzed through the search of an expression of needs and expectations of drivers and passengers. Studies about highway components specifications should contain recommendations to contribute for improving the ride quality, for gearing consequences of using technical determinations with actions to assist the expectations and needs of the ride judgers. The use of the auditing technique and concepts, together with the canonical correlation analysis can contribute to classify measures on variables that describe physical characteristics of highways on the point of view of comfort and safety improvement to drivers and passengers.


auditoria rodovias auditing ride quality highways specifications especificações qualidade de viagem

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