Control of lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis and release by Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium.


The influence of the relA gene on lipopolysaccharide (LPS) biosynthesis and release by Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium was investigated. Similar results were obtained with both species. The incorporation of [3H]galactose into LPS by galE mutants was inhibited by at least 50% (as compared with normal growing controls) during amino acid deprivation of relA+ strains. This inhibition could be prevented by the treatment of the amino acid-deprived relA+ bacteria with chloramphenicol, a known antagonist of the stringent control mechanism. Furthermore, LPS biosynthesis was not inhibited during amino acid deprivation of isogenic relA mutant strains. These results indicate that LPS synthesis is regulated by the stringent control mechanism. Normal growing cells of both relA+ and relA strains released LPS into the culture fluid at low rates. Amino acid deprivation stimulated the rate of LPS release by relA mutants but not by relA+ bacteria. Chloramphenicol treatment markedly stimulated the release of cell-bound LPS by amino acid-deprived relA+ cells. Thus, a low rate of LPS release was characteristic of normal growth and could be increased in nongrowing cells by relaxing the control of LPS synthesis.

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