Controle de admissão e de fluxo em sistemas sem fio




The current work presents a new multithreshold CAC algorithm that works along with a ?ow control mechanism in order to offer full class differentiation. Furthermore the proposed scheme aims to improve the air interface utilization by introducing a softblocking strategy where the lower classes users have their transmission rates truncated before completely stopped. The decision parameter for the CAC and Flow control is the Air Interface Effective Bandwidth. The algorithm takes proactive steps according to the system load in order to keep the quality level required by each class. That is done by introducing three thresholds for the CAC and Flow Control algorithms, in this way the system takes different actions according to the load it is experiencing in each decision moment. Three classes were considered, premium, gold, and silver. The proposed mechanism was implemented in simulated in the Matlab software. Results show that the class differentiation is achieved and the blocking rates remain on the same levels than in the one threshold case


flow control class differentiation wireless communication systems telefonia celular - controle de acesso telefonia celular sistemas de comunicação sem fio umts

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