Controle ótimo do vetor da malária para o modelo matemático sazonal / Optimal control for malaria vector for a seasonal mathematical model




In the Amazonian region occurs a variation in the malaria incidence, which is related to the pluviometric variation annual. The mathematical model proposed here considers this seasonality and different treatment intensities accessible to the infected people. The numerical evidence the seasonal fluctuation and the relationship between the environment temperature and treatment efficiency, showing that the temperature increase strongly affects the extrinsic latent period,reducing the healthy care efficiency. Because malaria treatment already exists it should be import. For another hand, even the investment in treatment is an efficient form to block the epidemy, it is not always sufficient, because the protozoan has been more resistent to the medicine; then scientists are creating transgenic mosquitoes refractory to malaria to couple with wild one, generating descending transgenic. To avaliate this situation, we consider here a mathematical model that describes the relatioship between these populations. Then, we formulate and solve an optimal control problem indicating how the transgenic mosquitoes should be introduced in the environment. The numerical simulations show the effectiveness of the control.


mathematical model malaria malária transgenic mosquitoes optimal control controle ótimo epidemiology-research mosquitos transgênicos modelos matemáticos epidemiologia epidemiologia-pesquisa

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