Correlação entre testes de cabeceira e testes de função pulmonar em quatro grupos: controle, gestante, obeso e idoso / Correlation between bed side tests and pulmonary function tests in four groups: control, pregnant, obese and elderly.




The objective of this study was to investigate the degree of correlation between bed side tests and tests of pulmonary function in four groups of individuals: healthy, pregnant (36ª week), obese (IMC >40 Kg/m2) and elderly (>60 years). Twenty individuals for group had been studied. The carried through tests had been: test of ventilation (ventilometry, VVM, spirometry, Measures of Pimax and Pemáx) and bed side tests (Test of the Candle, Test of Apnea, thoracic and abdominal circunference). For the measure of ventilometry and VVM, a ventilometer was used one and for the measures of CVF, VEF1, VEF1/CVF and PFE one was used portable espirometer. For the measures of Pimax and Pemáx one was used analogical manavacuometer. In the Test of the candle it was considered in the distance where the flame was extinguished. In the distance initial it was of 60 cm and this was diminished of 10 in 10 centimeters until the success was reached. In the apnea test, after 3 tests, were considered the biggest time. In the group obese, the correlations of the Test of Apnea with the VVM, CVF, VEF1, PFE and Pemáx had been statistical significant. It had significant correlation of the Test of the Apnea with the VVM, CVF, VEF1, PFE and Pemáx. In the test of the candle, the coefficients had been all positives, with exception of the pregnant group in which they had been negative. toracic inspiratory in almost all had significant correlation of all the groups. thoracic expiratory with only the VVM in the group had correlation of obese. In abdominal inspiratory, the coefficients had been all positives, but without significance statistics. In the correlation of abdominal expiratory, had positive correlation with all the ventilation tests, except in the group has control, that it showed to negative correlation of abdominal expiratory with VVM and PFE. The bed side tests possess correlation with the spirometrics tests.


spirometry testes de cabeceira bed side tests função pulmonar espirometria pulmonary function

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