Correlation between Osmolarity and Luminescence of Symbiotic Vibrio fischeri Strain ES114


American Society for Microbiology


Vibrio fischeri isolates from Euprymna scolopes are dim in culture but bright in the host. We found the luminescence of V. fischeri to be correlated with external osmolarity both in culture and in this symbiosis. Luminescence enhancement by osmolarity was independent of the lux promoter and unaffected by autoinducers or the level of lux expression, but the addition of an aldehyde substrate for luciferase raised the luminescence of cells grown at high and low osmolarities to the same high level. V. fischeri culture media have lower osmolarities than are typical in seawater or in cephalopods, partially accounting for the bacterium's low light output in culture.

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