Correlations and interferences in atomic systems of cold Bose Einstein condensates / Correlações e interferência de sistemas atômicos de Bose-Einstein frios




This work consists of a theoretical study of the coexistance of coupled atomic Bose-Einstein condensates. These mixed condensates can consist of atoms of the same element in different hyperfine internal states. A different situation is that in which an atom in one internal state can ocupate different single particle external states. The similarities and differences between mixed Bose-Einstein condensates involving internal and external states will be analysed carefully. Only in the Bose-Hubbard approximation the external states can be treated like internal states. Condensates involving two or more species will be studied with in a Thomas- Fermis approximation with coherent states. This approximation involves in discarding of the Hamiltonian the kinetic energy term. A number of analytical results are given for the case in which the different channel scatering lenghts are equal to each other. This condition is which well approximated in condensates involving many internal states. Beside some results will also be given for situations where the scatering lenghts for different species vanishes. This condiction is verified for the Bose-Hubbard approximation to externally mixed condensates. The principal goal of this calculations is to study the role of relative phase between the wave functions in the stationary solutions and in the time evolution of the systems.


fisica da matéria condensada mecânica estatística quantum mechanics of many bodies bose einstein condensates physics of condensate matter física matemática condensados de bose-einstein matematical physics mecânica quântica de muitos corpos statistical mechanics

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