Costurando vidas : os itinerários de duas professoras : Ana Aurora do Amaral Lisboa (1860-1951) e Júlia Malvina Hailliot Tavares (1866-1939)


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The present work chronicles the trajectories of two teachers who lived in the end of the XIX and the beginning of the XX centuries, through a gender perspective: Ana Aurora do Amaral Lisboa (1860-1951) and Julia Malvina Hailliot Tavares (1866-1939). In historiographic memory there has been a sucessive reuse of categories that fixed in time Ana Aurora s ¿feminism¿ and Malvina s ¿anarchism¿, cristalyzing those formulations to its respective itineraries. Amongst approximations and detachments to men and women of their time, I analyze their trajectories beginning from the starting places of their journeys, from their family bonds configuration and from the professional choices that shaped their lifes. In the possibility field in which they were inserted, these characters actions demontrate paradoxes and constitutive tensions of that context. Ana Aurora and Malvina s lifes were constantly bonded to their professional actions in the complex art of teaching, a activity that unfolded for decades in both cases.


trajetorias de vida biography estudos de gênero gender relações de gênero possibility field história da educação education memory memória social historiografia professor mulheres

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