Lucelia Borges da Costa
2006Nowadays, the countrys development is based on science, tecnology and inovation. Because of this, the society is demanding that the university, one of the most important sources of that resources, acts transfering the results of its researches to the market. There are several ways to transfer the tecnology from university to the industry. One of them, that is emerging as an important mechanism, is the creation of firms from results of researches generated in the university (the academic spin-offs). Therefore, in Brasil there are few studies about this mechanism of university-company cooperation. Indenting to improve this situation, the present study mains to exihibit the profile of academic spin-offs from Brazil, showing its characteristics, motivations, difficulties and the opinion of spin-off owners. The methodology used was the quantitative research and the data was collected through questionnaires sent to 33 spin-offs companies from 9 universities. One important result obtained shows that just three companies have universitys patents.