Criatividade na produção de textos : a concepção de criatividade entre professores de portugues que lecionam de 5a. a 8a.serie




A random sample of Portuguese teachers of the fifth to eighth grades was selected for the study of the development of the creative process in the school context, especially in the area of student writing. Answers to the question "What is creativity in the production of texts?", provided a wide range of data, including a definition of the concept of creativity and the delineation of the pre-requisites for its development, as well as the role of the teacher in this processo Creativity in the production of texts was defined as the freedom to express something new, whether manifested in a unique manner of using the language or through the presentation of original ideas based on the unique elaboration of experiences. Thus, creativity is a rupture of what already exists, not only on the formal levei, but also on the conceptual levei, resulting in something new: an original expression of acquired knowledge. According to these teachers, creativity in the production of texts is related to imagination, a capacity for critica I reflection, the environment in which the student lives, his/her self-esteem and security, his/her control of the language, and his/her knowledge about the world. The question of acquired knowledge ("repertório") is dealt with in a rather superificial manner by the teachers, at times being considered a mere accumulation of information and at others mentioned rather enigmatically through expressions such as "transfiguration" or "elaboration"; the possession of such knowledge is the condition for creative production most frequently linked to the sphere of action of the teacher. Acquisition of linguistic control is basically related to activities of reading, which are often referred to as the best, if not the only, form of linguistically instrumentalizing the student and providing him/her with vicarious experiences. In this context, the use of the expression "instrumentalize" reveals the concept of instrument seen as an aid for action rather than constitutive of such action. Language is seen as an instrument providing access to identity, as well as to books, information, and the culture of literacy, but it does not appear as constitutive of this identity; it functions simultaneously as constructor and constructed. The pre-requisites for the production of creative texts are located within the student: 1) know the different forms of language use and how to deal with them; 2) know how to read, Le., understand a text and be capable of inferring the meaning of a term from the context; 3) dominate the formal register, first in speech and later in written form; 4) be familiar with the act of writing; 5) be familiar with the subject about which he/she will write; 6) increase the amount of information available and come into contact with "models"; 7) like to write and be motivated to do so; 8) use his/her imagination; 9) interact with the teacher as interlocutor of the text; and 10) have a creative teacher. The role of the teacher is seen as one of creating the conditions for the student to have or develop these pre-requisites, and in the interviews the teachers describe their practice in detail, furnishing information about their activities with the students to prepare them for the production of texts. The educational practices mentioned are generally quite coherent with theoretical statements made during the interviews and reveal that the teacher intuitively understands the necessary relationship between different abilities and linguistic competence so that the creative process can develop. The speech of these teachers as a whole leads us to a reflection about the role of verbal language on the creative process and we suggest the possibility that language is inextricably linked to the creative process in a mutually dependent relationship. It is hoped that this "reading" of the interviews conducted with these teachers can clarify the relationship between text production and creativity and lead to the emergence of new foci of attention in the study of these relations


criatividade na escrita escrita professores de linguas pensamento criativo

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