Cristoforo e a Romanização do Inferno Verde : as propostas de D. Macedo Costa para a civilização da Amazonia (1860-1890)




In this study we analyze the intellectual works of D. Macedo Costa, bishop of the Brazilian Province of Gran-Pará in the second half of the XIX century. We discuss his ideas about family, education, economy, politics and religion. We use the remaining bishop´s files and writings, to reconstruct his view of these themes and his prescriptions to conform a model of catholic society in Amazon. Through these sources, we understood better the debate between liberal and ultramontan groups, especially in reference to popular education and social secularization. The bishop?s thinking was influenced by ideas from different intellectual traditions to understand the society of his time. Thus, starting from certain literary tradition, we can understand how D. Macedo Costa represented himself and the society in the critical moment of the transition from Monarchy to the Republic


liberalism liberalismo - aspectos sociais igreja catolica - brasil liberalismo - brasil - historia freemasonary catholic church catholic church brazil maçonaria - aspectos religiosos - igreja catolica history brazil liberalism social aspects religius aspects

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