Cuidados com a voz: uma ferramenta de internet como instrumento de sensibilização para adolescentes




OBJECTIVE: To check the response of teenagers to a website about voice in which voice is presented both as a mechanical product and a communication instrument. METHOD: Based on questionnaires bn a website directed to adolescents (10 to 19 years of age), divided into two steps (Questionnaire 1 - before web site browsing, and Questionnaire 2 - after browsing), we collected personal data and answers to six questions about knowledge on vocal production, vocal care and voice use as a communication instrument. In Questionnaire 2, we added 2 more questions to assess the instrument. Next, data were categorized and submitted to descriptive and analytical analysis. RESULTS: The group comprised subjects of both genders (M = 139; F = 173), most of them aged 18 to 19 years (41.3%), residents of the southeast region of the country (46.8%), and they had complete high school educational levei (45.5%). The dissemination media that most impacted teenagers were speech therapists (29.5%) and the website of a specific chat room for this age range (23.7%). Teenagers most frequently stated that voice was a sound, a mechanical product of the body (62.8%). However, after browsing the website, many teenagers expanded this knowledge, referring to voice as a communication instrument. Harmful vocal habits most frequently referred before speech and vocal intervention were: yelling (49.4%), speaking too much (29.8%), intake of cold drinks (25.6%), strained speech (22.1%), and smoking (15.7%). Conversely, beneficial vocal habits most frequently mentioned were drinking water at room temperature (46.1%), not to yell (26.0%), not to speak too much.(25.0%), avoid intake of cold drinks (12.5%), and practicing vocal exercises (10.6%). After accessing the website, the most frequent/y described harmful habits were: speaking too much (52.6%), yelling (39.4%), strained speech (27.2%), alcohol intake (26.3%) and smoking (24.7%). Beneficial habits were: drinking water (52.2%), not to speak too much (31.1%), not to yell (30.8%), not to use strained voice (26.0%), and maintaining a healthy diet (20.8%). Concerning the number of references to both harmful and beneficial vocal habits, there was an increase in references after accessing the website. Harmful habits increasedfrom 802 - 1201; beneficial habits from 736 - 1121. Data on voice , as communication instrument showed that most of them (59.9%) referred please in sensations when communicating. After accessing the website, answers to Questionnaire 1 that were rated as normal/does not know, migrated to pleasant sensations in Questionnaire 2. As to data concerning descriptive terms to their own voice, we noticed that 75.8% of the teenagers attributed positive terms to their voice, but male teenagers referred more negative terms to their voices than female subjects, with statistically significant difference, which were more specifically related to instability and vocal frequency breaks. Most of the suggestions given are feasible for the implementation of the website. CONCLUSION: Similarly to other health-related areas, Speech and Voice Therapy can have internei as a source through which health information can be disseminated, either by professional exchange of information or as a resource to promote health education, especially to teenagers, since they are the most frequent users of this type of communication means


adolescentes fonoaudiologia telemedicina voz

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