Cura e conservação pos-colheita de bulbos de cebola




It was developed a research to evaluate the effect of different post harvest treatments on quality and conservation of two Brasilian onion varieties. These varieties were Granex 90 and Crioula. The experimental tests were done in different times because the harvest periods are not the same for both varieties. Afier seIection, cIeaning and classification, the bulbs were separated in portions according to the treatment applied to each one. One of the portions was treated with hot air at 55°C for two hours. The other one was treated with ambient air aeration for 15 days. For these treatments the bulbs were put in a tixed bed using cyIindrical bins with 30cm diameter and 60cm height ando SimultaneousIy, onions bulbs were mantained at ambient conditions ( without any treatment ) as a controI portion. Afier that, the bulbs from each treatment were again divided in small portions according to the storage period when the ana1ysis would be done. The small portions were packed in storage perforated bags and were left at ambient air conditions. Physical-chemical and sensorial analysis were done before and after treatments and also during alI the storage period in a 7 days interval. The following parameters were evaluated: moisture content, soIuble solids (Brix), analytical and sensorial firmness, colour, weight, neck s diameter and general appearance. Sprouting and root growth were also accomplished. The statistical analysis results showed that the treatments did not affect the bulbs conservation for both varieties by considering the parameters changes. The behaviour of the parameters during the storage time was analyzed and discussed.


cebola cebola

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