Cytology of the arcuate nucleus in newborn male and female rats.


Five coronal levels of the arcuate nuclei in newborn male and female rats were examined with the transmission electron microscope. The nuclei from male and female neonates appear similar in all respects. All levels exhibit a significant population of round to oval cell profiles with large centrally located nuclei and scant cytoplasm which contains predominantly ribosomes, sparse mitochondria, and a few short cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum. These organelle-poor cell profiles resemble neuroblasts in other parts of the developing CNS. The arcuate nuclei of neonates also exhibit some cell profiles with the variety and quantity of organelles characteristic of mature neurons in the arcuate nuclei of adult rats. In addition, the neonatal arcuate nuclei show a paucity of synapses with apparent immaturity of those present, and numerous structures identified as growth cones. Definitive macroglia are not present in the arcuate nuclei of newborn rats.

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