Da educação moderna à formação do cidadão republicano: implantação da escola pública em Patos de Minas, MG (Grupo Escolar Marcolino de Barros, 1913-1928)




The present paper intends to show the discussions and implications around the public elementary school in Patos de Minas MG, in the period between 1913 and 1928, having Marcolino de Barros Elementary Sc hool as a reference. We intended to demonstrate the relations between this institution and the dissemination of the republican ideals in the city, considering that the creation of a more rationalized and standardized school answered the necessities of a social and political integration project, fundamental to consolidate the Republic. In this period, the discussions about people education were linked to the citizen formation, to the democratic participation, to the national unit, being the State responsible to promote these values. This situation demanded a national education project, to consolidate the citizenship feeling, important to take the country toward the progress and as a way to concretize the democracy. So, it was necessary to spread the elementar y instruction around the country, trying to reach a political collectivity and the society evolution in the economical, technological, scientific, social and moral fields. The elementary instruction started to be thought in its regenerator character and th e educational proposals were thought around of a integrated education, involving the physical, intellectual and moral education, to reach a cultural homogeneity and the civilization of people. Following this perspective, the introduction of the elementary schools, in the first years of Republic, were an important element to spread the republican values in the country, because these institutions were presented as the ideal places to consolidate the society modernization project and the republican citizen formation, as they helped to teach rules, values and behaviors rhythms related to the society intended. The introduction of this kind of institution in Patos de Minas, in 1917, was seen as a different element to the city, because the population received an organized elementary school, in the administrative, didactical, and pedagogical levels, besides to serve to the proposals of dissemination of the republican ideals in the city.


cidadão progresso republic order república ordem educação - patos de minas (mg) - história citizen instrução pública educacao public education progress

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