Da internacionalização do mercado ao globalismo : a trajetoria de Fernando Henrique Cardoso




The Sociologist FERNANDO HENRIQUE CARDOSO has always had the closest connection with themes related to the economic formation and development of the country. Since his first works, still in the decade of 1950, his concern with the relations established among the Brazilian social classes and its result for the economy of the country could be observed. CARDOSO strives to establish a causal nexus among the internal social conflicts, the forces that regulates the relations between Brazil and foreign countries and the national economic development. According to the Author, the national economic aspects are a direct result of the internal social and political interactions and its relations with the international system. According to FH CARDOSO, the result of the internal social and political conflicts regulates the type of relation that will be established in the international scope, which, in turn, also delineates the way the economic development will happen domestically, with all the segments of this equation modifying one another, in a dialectic construction process of the concrete social totality. The profile of the CARDOSO´s process of thinking, related to the internationalization of the economy, suffers transformations during his career. In the period of the academy, the Sociologist goes from deep believer of the nationalism and of the development directed to the domestic market, to the opinion that the development and the external dependence can happen simultaneously, depending on the domestic forces and the internal and external relations. During the military period, specially from 1978, CARDOSO directs his career towards the construction of the opposition party and becomes an important opponent of the government. He defends the proposal that, although to military autocracy has some positive aspects, the model used for de economic development, with social exclusion and disruption with the democratic forces, would not lead to the national growth. He believes that it is not the internationalization of the economy that brings the country to the underdevelopment, but the way this is done. As the President of the Nation, Cardoso directs his actions in foreign policy to the internationalization of the Brazilian economy, however, defends the need of a strong and systematic policy of creating international rules that could minimize the negative effect of the globalization, specially for the underdeveloped economies.His performance in the Brazilian external politics was very close to this line of thought. In the commercial negotiations, object of detailed study in the present research, the actions of the President was directed to adjust the Brazilian legal structure to the international rules, in order to build a more positive image of the country abroad. All his effort, especially during his first term, was to create a good domestic environment for international investments and an attempt to insert the country in the international market as a global trader. In summary, except for his first years as a Sociologist, FHC tends to defend the national development via international insertion. His performance referring to the Brazilian foreign policy shows, especially in the first years, a great effort to establish a good image of the country, aiming a more positive international insertion of Brazil


dependencia politica externa

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