Da leitura de partituras musicais à transcrição/arranjo para conjuntos de câmara.




The practice of transcribing/arranging piano scores into chamber music compositions for young ensemble performing students was not been done in class, in the Musical Training Courses I and II or in the Advanced Music Course at the Escola de Música e Belas Artes do Paraná (EMBAP Brazil). The ideal of providing a chamber music experience to young instrument students of intermediate level, as well as the difficulty in finding appropriate scores to the formed groups, originated this project. In this research, developed during the school year of 2007, young students proved this to be a kind of learning that stimulated them to make music with pride, for recreating a musical product, and with pleasure, for performing in a new view, together with their friends. Starting from this experience, and from the final product of this experiment, one tried to understand how the process of transcription/arrangement of these students happened. This research s constructive and investigative process took place following the tripod: search-action; EMBAP s Extension Program philosophical principles, based on Swanwick s musical development theory; and Vygotsky s socialinteractionist assumptions. This work counted with the participation of nine students,the collaboration of two trainees, EMBAP s students of the Course of Composition and Conducting, and the teacher. It was a research accomplished mainly with the aid of the dialogical method, which allowed a critical and dialectic decision making. The knowledge s construction was based on the interaction and the discussion among those involved, the experimentation, the writing and the performance of the transcribed/arranged scores. This process resulted in the creation of the Transcrições/arranjos para Conjuntos de Câmara compilation, which contains nine transcribed/arranged scores developed by these research s participants, and with a recorded recital of seven of those works.


educação musical transcription/arrangement chamber music musica transcrição/arranjo music education música de câmara

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