Dano moral ambiental coletivo em populaÃÃes atingidas por empreendimentos hidrelÃtricos: o caso de PetrolÃndia - PE




During the 1970âs, the policy of electric energy generation in Brazil led the electric sector to opt for the electric energy, starting from hydroelectric plants. This type of entrepreneurships was responsible for the enlarging of great areas to the formation of water reservoirs, bringing, as a consequence, com compulsory populational movements, which caused diverse types of burdens in the lives of the damaged populations. The collective environmental moral damage is the suffering of individuals of a determined collectivity, as a result of the environmental patrimony damage. The objective of this research was to identify the collective environmental moral damage resulting from the environmental impacts caused by hydroelectric entrepreneurships, and it realised through a case study with the population of the municipality of PetrolÃndia-PE, damaged by the waters of the reservoirs from the Hydroelectric Plant of Itaparica, in 1988. What justified this research was the fact that, to the environmental moral damage, which is not yet recognised, not even considered in environmental studies realised for the implementation of hydroelectric entrepreneurships, nevertheless it is one of the caused of conflicts between entrepreneurs and populations damaged by this type of entrepreneurships, what may bring about significant environmental loss to be demanded in future situations. The recognition of the existence of this damage, of extra patrimony nature, may contribute in the conception of a model of environment management of the electric sector, which has a preventative action, thus avoiding or minimising its occurrence


adequacao ambiental collective environmental moral damage usinas hidrelÃtricas remanejamento populacional compulsÃrio compulsory population movement hydroelectric plants dano moral ambiental coletivo

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