De Urdiduras e Tramas : memorias e narrativas de trajetorias de vida numa vila na Serra da Mantiqueira, Campo Redondo - Sul de Minas Gerais




This Master s dissertation is the result of an ethnographic survey and the life histories narrated by two persons in Campo Redondo, in the South of the State of Minas Gerais. Through this ethnography and the narrations collected, the relations and differences between the persons were analyzed (these understood as agents) and what these narratives tetl about themselves, to others and between others, and how they configure dominions of shared meanings, expressed, for example through memory and kinship. The narration of "those days" in Campo Redondo, made evident in the specific narrative fragments of "Sêo" Joaquim, "Dona" Isaura and others, laid out dominions which recall significant circumstances, remissions and relations between people, incidents and situations which are sometimes singled out in personal, sometimes collective trajectories, simultaneously personal and collective, that conform to the different versions on local history and memory. The occasion, temporalities and narratives of the life histories, in this sense, are inseparable, and allow or inhibit certain discemments on the history, actions and contexts of interaction that involve narrations engaged in reconstructing the history of their kinfolk, of their "lineage", of their "community". It was sought to analyze the relalional protagonism which interlaces unique histories (personal and collective) in the configuration of public and private versions of collective memories and the controversies which intertace them in building everyday concepts of "community", "belonging", "identity", "difference", among other concepts and entities that sublimate forms and forces of sociability


camponeses - vida e costumes sociais camponeses - brasil serra da camponeses - mantiqueira

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