Definição de processos em um ambiente de desenvolvimento de software




Nowadays, it is widely recognized that the quality of a software product depends on the quality of the software processes used in its development and maintenance. With this, much work has been done aiming to support organizations in their efforts towards process quality. The software process research area has explored two main directions: (i) approaches for modeling, analyzing and improving software processes, and (ii) support technology for software processes. The first goal focuses on approaches for structuring, organizing, documenting and describing software processes and includes process quality standards and maturity models. The second goal is concerned with the development of Process-Centered Software Engineering Environments (PSEEs) that integrate tool support for the development of artifacts with tool support for software process modeling and execution. The explicit representation of processes, its products and its interactions are the basis over which the modern development environments are built. Providing more powerful ways of describing and implementing software processes, PSEEs have also provided a powerful way to integrate processes and tools, and to automate, at least partially, tasks. This work presents a software process infrastructure that includes a tool for defining software processes. This tool was built and integrated to ODE (Ontology-based software Development Environment). To support this integration, the proposed infrastructure was built based on a software process ontology. This ontology was evolved in the context of this work, taking into account recent quality models and standards.


software process processos de software engenharia de software ontologias software engineering environments process quality models ontologies modelos de qualidade de processos ambientes de desenvolvimento de software

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