Deletion Map of the Escherichia coli K-12 Sex Factor F: the Order of Eleven Transfer Cistrons


A series of Hfr deletion mutants was isolated. These mutants contain deletions which extend from a λ prophage into an Flac which is integrated into the gal operon. Transfer-deficient deletion mutants were found to fall into four different phenotypic groups when tested for male- and female-specific phage resistance. Conjugational and transductional complementation tests with Flac point mutants deficient in transfer (tra−) were performed, and the order of 11 tra cistrons was determined. The tra genes are all located between an F gene for the inhibition of female-specific phages and the transposed lac operon originally carried by the Flac. The order of genes in the Hfr studied was established to be: proC... φIIR... traJ traA traE traK traB traC traF traH traG traD traI...lac...attλ

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