Deletion Mapping of zwf, the Gene for a Constitutive Enzyme, Glucose 6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase in ESCHERICHIA COLI


Genes for three enzymes of intermediary sugar metabolism in E. coli, zwf (glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase, constitutive), edd (gluconate 6-phosphate dehydrase, inducible), and eda (2-keto-3-deoxygluconate 6-phosphate aldolase, differently inducible) are closely linked on the E. coli genetic map, the overall gene order being man... old... eda. edd. zwf... cheB... uvrC... his. One class of apparent revertants of an eda mutant strain contains a secondary mutation in edd, and some of these mutations are deletions extending into zwf. We have used a series of spontaneous edd-zwf deletions to map a series of point mutants in zwf and thus report the first fine structure map of a gene for a constitutive enzyme (zwf).

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