Densidade mamográfica antes e após o uso de tibolona: auxílio da informática / Mamographic Density Before and After the Use of Tibolone: Computer Help




Over the last few years, hormonal therapy has been subject of much controversy since various studies have shown contradictory results regarding the risks and benefits for users. A higher incidence of breast carcinoma among users of classical hormonal therapy has been demonstrated in some studies and therefore there is a constant search regarding the refinement of diagnostic methods and the evaluation of the effects of new drugs on the breast. Among the more modern drugs, tibolone is particularly outstanding because it has few side effects, especially related to the breast. This drug has three metabolites with specific tissue action. Therefore, androgenic, estrogenic or progestogenic effects can be achieved, depending on the organ evaluated. The objectives of the present study were to assess a computerized method for the analysis of mammographic density. The author evaluated 26 menopausal women with an indication for oral hormonal therapy according to the protocol of the sector of gynecologic endocrinology of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto, USP. Tibolone at the dose of 2.5 mg/day was administered to these patients for 24 weeks. The patients were submitted to mammography before and after the use of the drug. During the exam, a reference object (an acrylic scale prepared for this purpose) was placed on the platform for breast compression (Buck) in order to normalize the pre- and post-treatment exams. In addition, two examiners evaluated the mammographies in order to determine variations in mammographic density. After normalization according to the reference object, these same mammographies were submitted to computerized density analysis. The mamographic density results obtained before and after the use of tibolone are compared in the digitalized images and in the examiners evaluation. In the same way, an inter-examiners analysis was done. The comparative analyses of the mammographic densities before and after the use of tibolone did not show significant variations in the analyses of the examiners or in the computerized analysis. Inter-examiner analysis showed a tendency to variation in the classification of mammographic density, although the difference was not statistically significant. The author concluded that tibolone, when administered to menopausal women at the dose of 2.5 mg/day for 24 weeks, did not cause a variation in mammographic density. Computerized evaluation of mammographic density can be used as an auxiliary method to radiologists, in cases of high density breast mammography, allowing a more confident evaluation of these cases.


terapia hormonal tibolone computerized analysis análise computadorizada hormonal therapy tibolona breast density mamografia. densidade mamária mammography menopausa menopause

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