Deoxyribonucleic Acid Repair in Bacillus subtilis: Development of Competent Cells into a Tester for Carcinogens


The development of competent transformed Bacillus subtilis into a tester system for carcinogens is described. Precocious or noninduced activation of SOS functions occur in competent cells. Thus, lower doses or concentrations of SOS inducing agents are needed to cause cell death due to indigenous prophage activation and lysis of bacteria. The two known defective prophages in B. subtilis enhance the sensitivity of competent cells to the carcinogens ultraviolet light, mitomycin C, and methyl methanesulfonate. However, these same cells have no enhanced sensitivity for the non-carcinogenic ethyl methanesulfonate or for nalidixic acid. Therefore, competent B. subtilis appear to be a sensitive tester for carcinogens.

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